Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week 5: Birds and Fish

God created the great sea monsters and all kinds of swimming creatures with which the water teems, and all kinds of winged birds. God saw how good it was,and God blessed them, saying, "Be fertile, multiply, and fill the water of the seas; and let the birds multiply on the earth."Evening came, and morning followed--the fifth day.

Photo #1 Crash Landing

Photo #2 Fish Out of Water

Photo #3 Bird on a Wire

Photo #4 Eager Expectation
' This is from my favorite Bible Verse -
For creation awaits with eager expectation the revelation of the children of God;for creation was made subject to futility, not of its own accord but because of the one who subjected it, in hope that creation itself would be set free from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God. Romans 9: 19-21
These birds were 'waiting' around during the living stations of the cross- near the crucifixion scene.

Photo #5 - Water Creatures

Photo #6

Photo #7

Week 4: Sun and Moon

Then God said: "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky, to separate day from night. Let them mark the fixed times, the days and the years,and serve as luminaries in the dome of the sky, to shed light upon the earth." And so it happened:God made the two great lights, the greater one to govern the day, and the lesser one to govern the night; and he made the stars.God set them in the dome of the sky, to shed light upon the earth,to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. God saw how good it was.Evening came, and morning followed--the fourth day.

* finding opportunities to take pictures of the sun and moon are harder than you might think. These aren't my favorites but they are what I could come up with for this week....I apologize.

Photo #1

Photo #2

Photo #3 Sunset from the roof.

Photo #4

Photo #5

Photo #6 Son and Moon

Photo #7 - Pop up Creation

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week 3: Water, Earth, Plants

"Then God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered into a single basin, so that the dry land may appear." And so it happened: the water under the sky was gathered into its basin, and the dry land appeared.God called the dry land "the earth," and the basin of the water he called "the sea." God saw how good it was.Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth vegetation: every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit with its seed in it." And so it happened:the earth brought forth every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit with its seed in it. God saw how good it was.Evening came, and morning followed--the third day."

Photo #1

Photo #2

Photo #3
The fountain

Photo #4

Photo #5
Sandy Hands

Photo #6
The Big Kahuna

Photo #7

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 2: The Sky

"Then God said, "Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one body of water from the other." And so it happened:God made the dome, and it separated the water above the dome from the water below it.God called the dome "the sky." Evening came, and morning followed--the second day." Genesis 1:6-8

Photo #1

Photo #2
Trees in the Sky

Photo #3

Photo #4
Joy Ride

Photo # 5
The Sunny Side

Photo # 6

Photo #7
Filling Station Day

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week 1: Let their be Light!

Here are my photo's for week's one theme of Ligh.
Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.God saw how good the light was. God then separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." Thus evening came, and morning followed--the first day."

Photo #1- Jesus IS here.

The Sanctuary Candle at Wisdom

Photo #2- The Perfect Morning

A cup of coffee on the porch :)

Photo #3- Rapture

Mel's shoes have been waiting for her to come home for a week.

Photo #4- Child of the Light

I want to walk as a Child of the Light, I want to follow Jesus... (Beautiful Hymn)

Picture #5- Open the Door

Picture #6 - The Fence
Morning light shining from the back yard through the slats of our fence.

Picture # 7 - The Bride and the Light
(This is my beautiful friend Allie in the moment that she was exchanging vows with her new husband Sean.)

Like the sun rising in the LORD'S heavens, the beauty of a virtuous wife is the radiance of her home.Like the light which shines above the holy lampstand, are her beauty of face and graceful figure. - Sirach 26:16-17

The Project: 7 photo's a week, 7 weeks

I really like taking pictures. But, like with everything in life, sometimes I need a little inspiration to do the things I love well. That's what this project is- a challenge to myself. During the Easter Season I'm going to take 7 photos a week for 7 weeks (I should be able to keep up with that in my busy work/mom/wife schedule). Each week will have a theme. I'll be using each one of the 7 'days' of Creation as my theme for each week. The project will end on Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd. Please comment with constructive criticism. Enjoy!

Some technical notes: I'll be using a Nikon D40X to take all the pictures. I have the standard lens that comes with the camera and a 55-200 zoom lens as well. My normal lens is broken for the time being so that will present an added challenge. I won't be touching anything up for this project, maybe I'll try that next time.